Alex Scott is the devil in a suit.
I’ve worked damn hard for what I have, built my tattoo studio from its bare bones to the shining star that she is, and he thinks he can come in here and demolish her? No way, sir. Not on my watch.
This smug, arrogant, asshole might be some up-and-comer in the acquisitions and building development hoo-fucking-ha bullshit business, but Hope & Faith Ink is like my second home. It’s my brother Levi’s home, and I won’t let Alex Scott take anything away from me. Not on my life! He’ll have to knock the building down with me in it. I bet he’d like that. Yeah, like I said, asshole! “Tomi? Tomi, you’re a million miles away. You wanna maybe concentrate while you have a needle stuck in my arm?” Xander teases. I bring Betsy, my favorite tattoo machine, to a stop. She’s been with me since the day I graduated, my trusted companion through every inked masterpiece and late-night session. A striking shade of light plum with her name clearly engraved on the side, she’s as bold and unconventional as I am—one of a kind, just the way I like it. I swipe a strand of platinum-blonde hair from my forehead before swabbing his partially inked arm. My gaze flicks to Xander—the rugged, impossibly handsome man who drifts in and out of my studio, always waiting for me to continue his ink. His right arm is already covered, the black line work stretching up onto his chest. Now, we’re working on his left, matching the same intricate style. He’s hot as sin. With his broad chest, gorgeous sapphire-blue eyes, strong arms, and five o’clock shadow, the guy obviously works out. A lot. Can’t say I haven’t checked him out when he comes in here in those baggy ripped jeans and his black tank top. The man is sex on legs. But I have no idea who he is.
The first time he came in, I asked for his name, and he replied, “Xander. Just Xander. ”Now, it’s our running joke. “Sorry, man, I’m tired today. Levi had me up all night, swore there was something in the shadows in his room. Had to turn every light on in the house and stay with him a while to help him go back to sleep. ”Levi’s my kid brother, also nine years my junior. My parents had him a little later in life, in a not-so-planned way. But he’s the light of my damn life. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a handful for sure, but I wouldn’t trade him for anything. Levi’s my world. He’s also special needs, which is hard when you’re all on your own with no one but us. Xander’s lips turn up in that way they do, his left cheek dipping just enough for his cute dimple to pop in. Shit, he’s so damn swoon-worthy. But he’s a client—one who comes and goes with no warning. He’s unreliable. Plus, I have one rule I never break—I don’t date clients. “It’s great the way you take care of Levi. He must be a good kid. ”My body warms. “He’s wonderful. This last year, since the accident, well, it took him a lot to adjust and to get to where he is now, but with the help of Greta, our nanny, plus all the guys here at the shop, we get by.”Xander reaches out. I tingle, but I ignore it. I have bigger things to worry about than getting involved with a man right now, even if he’s staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and a chiseled jaw. Fuck. Snap out of it, Tomi, you’re a grown woman! Control your damn hormones!
“It was the anniversary last week, wasn’t it?” Xander asks. I’m confused. I don’t recall telling him the date. It’s not something I generally disclose to people. I mean, sure, people know about the accident—there are pictures around the shop of them everywhere—but the general public didn’t know the exact date my parents and sister died in a car wreck. A wreck I blame myself or. Shaking my head, I glance back at Xander, clearing my throat. “Ahh, yeah. It was last week. Levi and I stayed home watching episodes of Nailed It.” I giggle. “Levi loves that show. ”Xander smirks. I crack my neck and then get back to work on his armpiece. My cute, light plum-colored tattoo machine vibrates through my hand, calming me. For me, it’s almost euphoric—the needle piercing the flesh. Some might find that strange, but to me, I’m creating a masterpiece forever etched in skin. It’s like ascending into another realm, a place where art is the be-all and end-all of everything. It takes over my senses, so I’m awash with color and lines. The patterns and shapes dance through my mind, creating a beautiful work of genius. Here, I’m safe. The outside world and all its painful memories can’t hurt me. Here, I’m truly happy as the slight push against the tip of the needle drives back and forth into his tanned skin. It’s a beauty to behold as I concentrate on the task at hand. “You ever considered opening a bigger shop, Tomi? You have the skills, definitely the personality to pull off more clientele—” “Stop right there, Just Xander. I know what you’re doing,” I murmur, my tongue half hanging out of my mouth in concentration as I carve out some smooth lines on his arm.“What?” he snaps defensively.
“Geez, lighten up, princess,” I snort.“Don’t have a coronary. I understand you’re looking out for me with this whole Alex Scott bullshit. Fucker’s trying to push me out, and you’re worried he might succeed. Should I consider some other options?”Xander takes a deep breath, tilting his head. “Scott Enterprises is a big fish in an even bigger pond, and they’re not going to go away without a fight. This shop is awesome. I love coming here, having you work on me, spending this time with you. I don’t want to see you fighting for something so hard when you should be considering other avenues.”My stomach rolls at Xander’s words. Fuck knows he’s probably right. But this place means everything to me, so I can’t lie down and roll over. I just can’t.“Well, Hope & Faith Ink isn’t just a name...” I pause. “Hope was my mother’s name.” I glance over at her picture next to my workstation. “She’s the reason I went into art. And faith...” I hesitate, closing and opening my eyes. “My father always told me to have faith. That one dayI’d make it and be good enough that I would open my own tattoo studio.” I sigh and steady myself. “They helped me build this place.” I wave my hand, grasping Betsy. “They’re here with me every damn day. I can’t let this place go. I can’t let them go.”His face falls. Maybe he has his own past to deal with. What I wouldn’t give to know more about the mysterious Xander. He’s such an enigma and that makes him all the more interesting. I continue slinging ink into his arm, wipe away the excess ink, then sit back, admiring my handiwork. Xander lays quietly like he’s pondering the world when the door opens. Levi rushes in with his trusty backpack, beaming without a care in the world. My eyes widen as I stand abruptly, moving out of Xander’s way so he doesn’t face the full force of my brother’s impact.
Greta chuckles to herself as she walks in miles behind Levi while the ritual commences. He’s getting so big now. He bolts up to me as I prepare to catch him. It’s all I can do to keep upright when he slams into me and guffaws, wrapping his arms around me tight, nuzzling his face into my neck and shoulder. Levi’s the same height as me—I’m short, and he’s tall for a sixteen-year-old boy—but with his Klinefelter Syndrome, one of the many side effects is tallness. He’s also on the spectrum. My baby brother was dealt a harsh blow when he was born. Not one, but two disorders that no one deserves. We cope, but honestly, I wouldn’t have him any other way. To me, he’s perfect. “Tomi, I learned about art today. Now I can be like you,” he chimes into my ear a little louder than I was expecting. I embrace him, kissing the side of his head. “I’m so happy to hear that, kiddo. We’ll have you doing Just Xander’s tattoos in no time,” I joke. I expect him to be horrified, though he’s anything but. His eyes are warm and kind as he watches my interactions with my little brother. “For sure, maybe we can sit down sometime, and you can design something with me, Levi. Then you can tattoo it on me?” Xander suggests, shocking me. I was totally joking when I said that. Levi’s eyes widen. He lets me go, spinning around to Xander. He’s not always hugely social around other people, but he rushes to Xander, squatting down to his eye level. “Can it be a lion?” Xander chuckles. “Whatever you want, buddy.” Levi stands, clapping his hands. I narrow my eyes at Xander.
He can’t promise Levi shit like that. It’s not fair. My brother never forgets. You promise him something like that, and he’s going to want you to follow through on it. For starters, Levi using a tattoo machine is not a great idea. I conclude that Levi tattooing a lion on Xander will never come to fruition. I fold my arms. “First of all, a lion won’t match the masterpiece I’m creating on your...” hot as sin,“... body.” Xander pulls his lips in tight. “Secondly, Levi doesn’t know how to use a tattoo machine, so this is a terrible idea. And thirdly, you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”Xander raises his brow like he’s either insulted or impressed. I don’t particularly care which one. This isn’t happening.“Okay, just know you’re the one breaking his heart, not me.”Levi blinks at me as he takes it in. He’s about to break.Shit.“Okay, well, how about this? Prove that you’re a little more reliable,” I propose to Xander. He tilts his head.“Come in for your sessions more regularly and on time, then I’ll think about it.” Levi’s eyes practically beg Xander. Greta walks over in case Levi has a meltdown if Xander denies him. But Xander beams at Levi. “We got this, Levi. You’ll be inking me in no time.”Levi squeals, making all of us grimace as he rushes off toward the back room. He’s obviously going to prepare his lion sketches. Letting out a long exhale, I go back to cleaning Xander’s tattoo as I glare at him. “That wasn’t cool, man.”
“Way I see it... I made your brother happy.”He snorts. “And I get some more ink. Two positives there, Tomi. Plus... I get to see you again. ”My eyes snap up to meet his as my stomach flutters. His piercing blues stare right into mine, causing my breath to catch as we stare at each other. My chest heaves as my entire body tingles. I don’t know how he does that to me, but something about Xander works my entire body into a frenzy. He’s so cool, so calm, and mysterious that I can’t figure him out. Xander’slike a brokenpuzzle—I just can’t piece ittogether, no matter how hard I desperately want to. But maybe that’s the fun of it all. I see him every now and then. We share this amazing chemistry, then he disappears for God only knows how long until he shows up again unannounced. He’s like a drug I don’t even know I need until I’m getting a fix. But there’s something different about this time—this time, he met Levi, and I saw how he interacted with my brother. As much as I want to be angry for the way he promised Levi something he shouldn’t have, the gesture was so freaking sweet, it has me melting. This guy is an issue, and I need to be careful because if there’s one thing I can’t afford, it’s a distraction. My life is about Levi and work. I can’t add anything or anyone else to the mix—it’s just too hard. I wrap his arm in Saran Wrap as I clear my throat. “Where is it you disappear to between visits, Just Xander? ”He weakly smiles as I finish wrapping him up, and then I pull off my gloves. “I’m busy at work.”Turning, I start putting all my equipment away and begin cleaning up as I nod matter-of-factly. “And where do you work again? ”He exhales, then cracks his neck. “Family business, nothing exciting.”
“Yeah. But doing what, dipshit?”He flashes me his pearly whites.“Anyone ever told you you’re full of sass?”My lips turn up at the side. “Anyone ever tell you, you’re a master of avoidance?” “All the time.” He chuckles. I groan, rolling my eyes, and slap his thigh while standing from my stool. “Well, you’re done for today. I gotta get Levi home, but maybe next time you wanna come in, give a girl a little heads-up?”He stands to place his hand in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. “Sorry I came at a shitty time, it was the only spare hour I could find this week. I’ll try to schedule in the future.” He pulls out a wad of cash, places it on my tray as he dips his head, then turns, walking toward the door. I glance at the notes, noticing they’re all hundreds, and there are at least five of them, maybe more. I’m quick to stand and go after him, but as I glance up, he’s already out the door and walking down the street. My stomach falls through the floor. Not because he left me with so much damn money, but because he left. Period. Xander’s been coming here periodically for the last two years. In that time, I’ve seen him maybe four or five times. Each time he’s come in, my heart beats faster. Each time, he unravels me more and more. Where he’s finding his information from, I don’t know. But there’s one thing I do know. Xander has me in a spin. And the fucker doesn’t even know it.